Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Just over a week

It has been just over a week since I started using greens and regulars. I feel like I am starting to have more energy through out my day and I am a little bit more regular which is a nice thing. 

I have found that using the greens flavored organge mixed with orange juice is the easiest way for me to take them. It isn't the best taste with plain water and I have a sensitive stomach to bad tastes. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a little extra energy in their day and to be a little cleaner on the inside as well. 

The regulars have helped big time as well. I have had issues for most of my life with bowel movements. Doctors have given me different Medicines over the years and they work for a week maybe two and then they don't. So far this has worked the first week the biggest accomplishment for me will be weeks four five and six because I have yet to find anything that works for that long.

I have also started learning the Mary Kay way. I have my first team meeting tomorrow night. I am super excited. My debut is on the 17th and I need to start inviting people. My Thursday will be packed with contacting friends and family to invite them or schedule pampering sessions for a later date if they can't make it. 

Remember even on bad days to keep smiling. It brings positive ness into a negative situation.

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