Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy new year! 2015

2015 is going to be a big journey for me. I can't wait to get things started. Yesterday I signed up as a consultant for Mary Kay and had a little makeover. I have used Mary Kay products since I was a teenager. It was the only product to help my oily skin and almost pizza face in high school. Now at 22 I still use their products and still have awesome results. Added a little color for the New Years this is before and after photos is using a few mk products nothing heavy.

ItWorks day three

My itworks journey starts with the greens and regular. I decided to start with these because I have health issues inside that I feel needed more attention then what everyone sees on the outside. I am not fat so wraps didn't make sense for me to start with. Day one I drank half of my greens because it tasted horrible. I probably didn't miss it enough. On day two I used my magic bullet to blend and it tasted better but still a little bit gross and on day three I found the magic combination. My greens are orange flavored so I mixed it with orange juice and while it looked gross it tasted fine. The regulars are pills I take before bedtime to help with bowl movements. I have always had difficulties with this since I was real young and it's gotten worse in recent years I have been on laxatives and other medicines prior to this that didn't help. So far since taking regulars it has helped a little. I look forward to sharing the rest of my journey with you and if you want to try any products that I mention just leave me a comment 

Keep smiling! 😄

Hey Y'all!

Hey there! My name is Maggie. I am starting this blog for my ITWorks and Beauty Journey. I am starting brand new ITWorks customer and as a Mary Kay beauty consultant in 2015. I started my ItWorks a couple days before the new year. It helps you get healthy and slim down. I will post biweekly as often as I can. I am in the air force reserve as a plane mechanic. I also currently work for Amazon. I am 22 and a health nut sorta.. I wanna learn more about beauty and I want to empower women. You will get to know me and go through my journey with me. Have questions? Tips? Advice? Share it! Let's learn to Empower each other and grow together :) Keep Smiling! Stay Positive!