Thursday, January 22, 2015

Holy shit!

So I started my journey almost a month ago and the results are amazing! I started with the regulars and greens. I have had issues with pooping since I was a baby. At times I could go three weeks without pooping. Since I started regulars and greens I have pooped every single day since. Almost a month now of pooping every day this has never happened before in my life. I feel better and have less stomach pains and aches. And I am currently wearing wrap number two. I am super excited to take this off and see the results! I've been bragging to a few friends about my results from one wrap. 

Keep smiling!!!

Monday, January 19, 2015


Well I finales wrapped and love my results! I can't wait to wrap again. It's kind of relaxing and I mean cmon look at the results. This post will be short but keep smiling!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Got my wraps today && Mary Kay debut

Here's me with my first wrap on!
Today was a huge huge day for me. I debuted as a Mary Kay beauty consultant. I had a lot of fun learning and tracing my first skin care class. My director was a huge help and so supportive through every step. These first few weeks of the new year have been a huge struggle for me. I lost my job broke my car and now have bills to pay and no money. 

My Mary Kay weekly meetings have become sort of like free therapy and I get to learn! My director has encouraged me the entire time. Which is a great change because my family is less then supportive. 

Also my ItWorks wraps arrived today. I couldn't wait to get one on! You keep it in between 45 mins and 8 hours. Today I kept it on for 4 hours. At first it feels so weird. It's cool and smells funny. It's from the menthol and eucalyptus in the wrap. I took before photos and after I took it off I took more photos. I will post them next week when I put on my second wrap. I plan to take more after 24 &72 after using my first wrap. I was very happy I decided to invest in the fab wrap to help secure the wrap instead of using seran wrap. I imagine it is much more comfortable.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Before photos!

I ordered my ItWorks wraps a few days ago. I log in and check the progress of my shipment. It should arrive any day now and I can't wait to start them. I have been using the greens and regulars for almost a month now and absolutely love it. I am posting my before photos today. I do not claim to be fat or overweight. That is not why I started this journey. I want to get healthy and get in better health. I also want to help motivate YOU in your fitness journeys. 

Keep smiling! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Just over a week

It has been just over a week since I started using greens and regulars. I feel like I am starting to have more energy through out my day and I am a little bit more regular which is a nice thing. 

I have found that using the greens flavored organge mixed with orange juice is the easiest way for me to take them. It isn't the best taste with plain water and I have a sensitive stomach to bad tastes. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a little extra energy in their day and to be a little cleaner on the inside as well. 

The regulars have helped big time as well. I have had issues for most of my life with bowel movements. Doctors have given me different Medicines over the years and they work for a week maybe two and then they don't. So far this has worked the first week the biggest accomplishment for me will be weeks four five and six because I have yet to find anything that works for that long.

I have also started learning the Mary Kay way. I have my first team meeting tomorrow night. I am super excited. My debut is on the 17th and I need to start inviting people. My Thursday will be packed with contacting friends and family to invite them or schedule pampering sessions for a later date if they can't make it. 

Remember even on bad days to keep smiling. It brings positive ness into a negative situation.